It was a very good day. It ended with us creating our 3 Prong gang including the 3 Prong gang sign/salute We took this photo at Dulles on the way home and I will explain the meaning of 3 Prong later. My Dad took the photo but all 8 of us are 3 Prongers. Man were people looking at us weird in the airport.
And now back to your regular program. Dad and I went over to the Apartment to see everyone else. Adam's and Kandice's A/C did not work. And they cold not get it to work. Adam figured out that if you turned on the bathroom light the A/C would turn off. But it never blew cold air. A guy who was painting a wall came to try and fix then left. Then we got him to come back again.
We headed over to the Vatican around 11:30 am for our guided tour at 1pm. We wanted a real American Breakfast and found Burger King, but to breakfast.
Kandice "Carnivore" O'Brien downed a burger in 5 minutes. It would have taken her less but she was caring on a conversation while eating it.
Start 11:33:30.
Liked the English translation.
Finish 11:35
I just had the coveted Coke with ice. On the walk to the Vatican we came across this. How do you get it out?
Chris felt like he was going to vomit so he headed back to the B&B. While waiting for Chris to return we Meet Lou from Vegas who seemed shady and was trying to sell us Segway tours cheaper if we paid him cash instead of credit card at office.
Chris returned just before it was time for us to enter in different clothes because he vomited all over everything. There was still a little vomit on the camera bag strap. He didn't leave the camera anywhere this time.
Ready to go.
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